Independent Verification & Certification
Green Bonds
Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Green Bonds
Emergent Ventures (EVI) has verified over 2.5 Billion USD equivalent Green Bonds. Our expertise in Sustainability, ESG, Climate Change, Sustainable Finance, and Renewable Energy makes us a trusted partner for independent green, social and sustainability bond verification.
Independent verification and certification of bonds offers additional comfort to investors that their funds would be directed to investments that are aligned with environmental and social impact objectives. The additional transparency brought by an independent verification and certification process is valued by a number of investors.
EVI was among the first certified verifiers with the Climate Bonds Initiative in India and led the movement for popularizing green bond issuances from India. We have since supported several green bond issuances for a number of IPPs, Banks, and other institutions and continue to build our footprint in this space.
Environmental and social benefits are being recognized as key drivers for successful investment outcomes, and independent verification on these parameters is a great way to differentiate investment proposals for investors. EVI can support you by studying your proposed bond issuance and offering an independent opinion on the sustainability, social and green aspects of your issuance. Such independent verification helps you build confidence with investors.
EVI has been consulting on sustainability, climate change and renewable energy for over a decade and can offer unmatched services for evaluation and verification of these aspects of the proposed investments.